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Alona Shechter

Beauty care and traveling with extrasensory products Alona Shechter. 

Alona Shechter Ltd. is an Israeli company founded in 1994 that produces and sells health products and skin care products based on natural ingredients, created through the combination of herbs and medicinal plants with minerals extracted from the Dead Sea , famous worldwide for their therapeutic properties.Ms. Alona Shechter, created this company, after studying for years and cured his skin affected by psoriasis, an incurable genetic disease that makes the skin very red, dry and thick.
After trying everything, it relies on a dermatogolo that provides a treatment based on natural creams and ointments made of medicinal herbs and that with the passage of time give good results.
From here she begins her studies in dermatology and properties of medicinal plants ..perfeziona the formula given to him by his dermatologist until founded Alona Shechter, developing products for the body, face and hair, herbal medicines and minerals from the Dead Sea, to solve most of the skin problems.The range of products "Alona Shechter" includes creams and oils rich in vitamins, all designed with the aim to give nourishment to the skin and increase its natural ability to undo the harmful effects caused by nature and time.Three complete lines of products, suitable for every type of skin.They are part of the line premium anti-aging line that has a unique combination of three main ingredients: Minerals from the Dead Sea, a high concentration of therapeutic herbs and jade powder, known for its anti-aging properties.Other additional benefits of the products are that all the ingredients are 100% natural. preservatives including; They are not tested on animals; They have a term of maturity of two years from the moment you open the product. The products have undergone complete procedures and in compliance with the most strict standards of the Ministry of Health.The harmonious blend of raw materials mixed - on the one hand the minerals of the Dead Sea, the effect of which is controlled vital for the skin, and on the other hand the high concentration of therapeutic plants and vitamins contained in them, contributes to the rehabilitation of the The combination of leather dust Jade with these two ingredients creates a magical product that not only improves and nourishes the skin structure, but also nourishes and slows down the natural aging process, while also fighting the damaging effects of the climate, of 'age and nature. The line is suitable for all skin types and any age.

Beautyli Cream - Day cream

A very rich cream-based oils such as chamomile, coenzyme basic 10Q, green tea, pomegranate extract, sun protection factor (SPF), honeysuckle, vitamins, Dead Sea minerals, jade powder, enzymes and active ingredients that combined together they nourish the skin deeply and slow down the natural aging process. The pomegranate extract is obtained from an original Israeli development process; It has many therapeutic properties whose fantastic effects were recognized since biblical times. It is 100% organic, with strong antioxidant properties, and contains a high concentration of fatty acids that help keep skin smooth, improve elasticity, rejuvenate skin cells and reduce the signs of pigmentation. The oil extracted from pomegranates returns the natural elasticity and adds moisture to hydrate the skin damaged or irritated.The pomegranate oil improves muscle tone, strengthens cell membranes, protects the skin from environmental damage, traps free radicals - thus neutralizing their damaging effect - helps to rehabilitate the damage caused by exposure to sunlight and It is effective in treating the fabric of scars and points of pigmentation caused by light. The powder Jade is, for the first time, integrated in a cosmetic product and studies concerning the full effects of its benefits are not yet complete. However, it is also known to have a spiritual effect. It is ideal for dry and very dry and should be applied after washing your face. It is also suitable for use on the neck. The combination of active ingredients helps fight free radicals, which are a major cause of skin aging, adding a powerful antioxidant protection. Jade reduces dust and improves the visible signs of skin aging and sun damage, adding hydration vital to reduce dryness. It also removes the outer layer of skin (the epidermis) dry cells that are responsible for one aspect off, sending a smooth and balanced tissue.It is a cream contained in an elegant red jar 50ml. , Enclosed in a pretty box that shows the logo and the colors of the line.It is white and although it is a rich cream is very light and with a gentle massage blends with skin soaking up quickly and leaves the skin smooth and velvety.

Achillea Soap non-vegetable soap for personal hygieneIt is a unique blend of active ingredients natural extracts in high concentration from a variety of plants. It contains no preservatives and is suitable for all skin types, including the most 'delicate skin of children. The main ingredient is extracted Achillea millefolium, in Chinese medicine is used to disinfect and fight skin inflammations. The soap also contains other plant extracts, including chamomile, medicinal sage, St. John's wort, (Althea officinalis) and styrax.It is an antiseptic soap that cleans, disinfects, and effectively treats infections and helps to combat a variety of diseases of both women and men, such as seborrhea, causing a flushed skin, scaly, and is also excellent as a shampoo to fight dandruff .It has some of the strongest disinfectant properties available and is effective in the treatment of acne lesions and, as for personal hygiene and the prevention of infections.It is a soap liquid contained in a bottle of 400 ml. really nice and he also very stylish !! The fragrance is very delicate and it feels very much the smell of painte containing it. It is medium thick and it only takes a small amount, which has contact with the water to produce a soft foam that cleans, cleans and purifies the skin !!I use it for virtually tutto..anche skin of my piccoli..è very delicate and is suitable for the face, for personal hygiene, and a relaxing hot bath !! Moreover, the mixture of therapeutic plants do have a product with disinfectant and antiseptic very special, that soothe inflammation, burns, cuts and infections.
Body LotionA rich body cream that soothes dry and irritated skin, moisturizes and nourishes, maintaining elasticity and suppleness. It is also excellent for reducing cellulile.Among its ingredients are the dust of jade, which helps to improve the skin leaving it smooth and well nourished, reduces pores and fights the first wrinkles. The most important is the slow the natural aging process of the skin and improve its appearance. The mother of pearl powder, and Minerals from the Dead Sea, essential for the skin, whose therapeutic properties are effective for those suffering from rheumatism, psoriasis, dermatitis, fibromyalgia, acne and artrite.Aiutano to relax, nourish the skin and stimulate circulation.A fragrant cream contained in a container less air, which allows us to measure out the right amount of product !!The texture is light and soft, is easy to apply and absorbs quickly with a light massage!Hand creama delicate cream and she super fragrant. It is contained in a vial airless and its texture is light, soft and very delicate. Used daily moisturizes and softens hands without grease, prevents dryness and free radicals. I'm not using gloves, you often have dry, chapped hands. This cream is my salvation, light, fresh and fragrant, soothes the skin and makes it beautiful, well-nourished and smooth. Non-sticky and non-greasy. Among its ingredients are the minerals of the Dead Sea, Aloe Vera, and Shea butter with strong nourishing and moisturizing!

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